Earlier this week, we put the final touches on the “micro/macro” frameworks for v2 web projects and v2 command line projects. Although these had been delayed a bit while working out the Aura.Di v2 beta release, they both now have their first “Google beta” releases!

... The idea is that [Aura.Web_Project] starts as a very minimal system, with only router, dispatcher, request, and response functionality. But thanks to the Composer-assisted configuration system, it’s very easy to add whatever functionality you want, making the project as large or as small as you need. ...

Aura.Cli_Project takes exactly the same approach, but for command-line applications. It consists of a “context” and standard I/O system (the equivalents of a request and response), along with a console and dispatcher. It uses the same configuration system as Web_Project, so you start with a very minimal system that grows only as you need it.


Each project is little more than a skeleton around a core “kernel” package. The Aura.Web_Kernel is what actually provides the glue to connect the underlying library packages together, as does the Aura.Cli_Kernel.

Keeping the kernel separate from the project means we can update the kernel without having to re-install a project.

via First v2 Beta Releases of Web_Project, Cli_Project, and Framework_Project.

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