Aura.Router can also be used as a micro-framework dispatcher!
Sometimes you may wish to use Aura as a micro-framework. Itâs also possible to assigning anonymous function to controller:
<?php $map->add("read", "/blog/read/{:id}{:format}", [ "params" => [ "id" => "(d+)", "format" => "(..+)?", ], "values" => [ "controller" => function ($args) { $id = (int) $args["id"]; return "Reading blog ID {$id}"; }, "format" => ".html", ], ));
When you are using Aura.Router as a micro-framework, the dispatcher will look something similar to the one below:
<?php $params = $route->values; $controller = $params["controller"]; unset($params["controller"]); echo $controller($params);
Via phpmaster | Web Routing in PHP with Aura.Router. The Aura project for PHP 5.4 codebase is here.
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